Are we finally in the era of Queer reality television?


Reality television has long been a platform for entertainment, drama, and sometimes, a touch of controversy. Flagship reality dating shows like The Bachelor and Married at First Sight (apart from one Australian bisexual season of The Bachelorette) have always remained very bland…ah I mean straight. That is until now…

‘The Queer Ultimatum’ has gained some significant attention. This groundbreaking reality TV show celebrates and showcases the LGBTQ+ community, shedding light on their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. If you are unfamiliar with the premise of the original show “The Ultimatum”, it follows a group of couples where one partner has given the other an “ultimatum” for marriage or break up. They then get paired with a “trial spouse” to build a new “relationship” with, in order to find out if they actually wish to commit to their existing partner. Now if you are thinking, “how could this possibly be beneficial to the stability of a long-term relationship?”…you would be correct, it’s not. The premise is actually insane but it makes for a lot of drama, a key ingredient to the reality tv genre. Add in a lesbian twist and I am 100% invested.

‘The Queer Ultimatum’ offers a refreshing take on reality television by focusing on the lives and experiences of queer individuals. (All queer women and non-binary people for once, not just one token couple)
This series is not just about competition or creating drama for entertainment; it is about providing a platform for queer voices to be heard. Contestants share their personal stories, struggles, and triumphs, allowing viewers to gain insight into the diverse experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. The show follows five couples with varying degrees of relationship issues:

Lexi & Rae

Lexi and Rae from Queer ultimatum

Yoly & Mal

Yoly and Mal from Queer ultimatum

Tiff & Mildred (toxic AF)

Tiff and Mildred from the from Queer ultimatum

Vanessa & Xander (also toxic AF)

Vanessa and Xander from Queer ultimatum

Aussie & Sam

Aussie and Sam from The Queer ultimatum

One of the most compelling aspects of “The Queer Ultimatum” is its ability to challenge stereotypes associated with the LGBTQ+ community. By showcasing individuals from various backgrounds, identities, and orientations, the show breaks down preconceived notions and promotes a deeper understanding of the rich diversity within the queer community. Contestants are not defined solely by their sexuality or gender identity but by their talents, aspirations, and dreams. However, there are some very questionable moments in this series. Some of the couple’s intimate moments are captured and presented in a way that screams “This was directed by a man.” But I will not be too negative considering this is the first time that we have ever had a dating show starring only queer women. I also found it interesting that the host of the series was a wholesome straight lady who clearly has never met any lesbians in her life but I guess there is a first time for everything.

Beyond the entertainment value, “The Queer Ultimatum” serves as an educational platform for viewers who may not be familiar with the LGBTQ+ community. The show educates audiences about queer history, the challenges faced by queer individuals, and the importance of acceptance and inclusivity. By exposing viewers to diverse perspectives and personal stories, the series encourages empathy, understanding, and a more inclusive society. Even if sometimes the behavior of the people in the show is questionable at best *cough, Mildred, cough*.

“The Queer Ultimatum” has undeniably made a significant impact on the television landscape and society at large. It has given visibility to queer individuals, humanizing their experiences and fostering empathy among viewers. By challenging societal norms and stereotypes, the show encourages a more inclusive and accepting environment for all. I can’t help but wonder if the success of this series, will be the beginning of a lesbian era of dating shows. We can only hope.

As with any reality TV series, “The Queer Ultimatum” is not without its critics. Some argue that the show perpetuates the focus on personal drama rather than emphasizing broader social issues. However, as we all know, queer women do tend to have a bit more drama in their relationships. We have to deal with so many more challenges like coming out and navigating societal expectations in a hetero-normative world, is it any wonder we sometimes act a little mentally unhinged? I am just speaking for myself here…

‘The Queer Ultimatum’ stands as a testament to the power of reality television to create positive change. . As we continue to strive for a more inclusive and diverse society, shows like “The Queer Ultimatum” play a crucial role in amplifying queer voices and inspiring change. Maybe this is what we need in order to finally get the full lesbian series of The Bachelorette I have been praying for. Now that would make for some excellent drama.