Best Lesbian Couple Halloween Costumes


When it comes to dressing up who doesn’t love planning out some kick-ass couples costume with their partner? Well, that excitement is multiplied when you are a lesbian and you have a hot lesbian girlfriend to attend the Halloween/dress-up party with. Here are some of the best Halloween lesbian couple ideas. (Please note I have included straight couples that would be so fun to dress up as, why should they get to have all the fun)

1. Piper and Alex – Orange is the New Black. Of course, they are on this list. It is easy to do a convincing costume on the cheap for this couple and people will automatically know who you are. I mean if you are at a party and people don’t know who Alex and Piper are, then I don’t think you should be mingling with those types of people sis.

2. Jack and Rose from Titanic. I mean what greater dramatic & intense love story than Jack and Rose. Lesbians often take the crown for intense relationships and that is why this couple is perfect. Not to mention it was Kate Winslet and Leo Di Caprio at their absolute hottest. Leo in that movie is pretty enough that I actually think he is pretty enough to be a lesbian. Either way, this iconic duo is a fun one to play.

If you squint your eyes, maybe he could be a butch lesbian?

3. Xena and Gabrielle. I mean has there ever been a more iconic duo than these pair? I doubt it. The only problem with this couple is that you will both be fighting over who gets to be the Xena. If your girlfriend lets you be the Xena, she is a keeper.

4. Elsa and Anna. I mean they are sisters but how many times has someone asked you and your girlfriend if “you girls are sisters?” I feel like if the crown fits we may as well wear it.

5. Cruella and a dalmation. We all love a bad girl and who is as bad as Cruella. The original Glenn Close Cruella or the revamped Emma stone version. I don’t care which one but it is a great duo and easy to bring to life.

6. Cinderella and Prince Charming. Wow, plot twist when your prince charming is your princess charming. Talk about a new version of the fairytale that we all would love to see a live-action remake of.

7. Batgirl and Wonderwoman. Wonder woman has given off sapphic vibes for a long time, I mean it was common amongst the amazons. What lesbian would not want to live on a women-only island full of warrior women? Take me there, please?

8. Barbie and Ken. I love this one. I am not going to lie I was never a Barbie girl growing up, I played with Action Man but I can totally see this has a great lesbian couple costume. I mean let’s face it, Ken is not exactly the most masculine of men, it is not much of a stretch for a butch lesbian to play him.

9. Bonnie and Clyde. Not too original but there is a reason it has been done 1000 times before. It is an oldie but a classic.

10: Mario and Luigi. This is a pretty easy costume to make yourself and throw together at the last minute.

11. Woody and Buzz. To infinity and beyond! I mean who hasn’t said that to the girl they are on a 6-hour first date with when you think you will be spending the rest of your lives together? No?….okay, maybe that was just me.

12. Thor and Loki. I am sure there is so much fanfiction about this pairing rolling around on the internet…

13.  Elphaba and Glinda from Wicked/Wizard of Oz. (AKA the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wicked of Oz) Everyone loves the lesbian subtext (my favorite thing) between this pairing. We all love a damaged woman and that is why there will always be a soft spot in my heart for the Wicked Witch of the West. 

14. Daphne and Velma from Scooby Do. I will follow Sarah Michelle Gellar anywhere she goes.

15. Ariel and Ursula. Did you know that the character of Ursula was based on a real-life drag queen? Lol. Why are LGBT people always the villain? Anyway, this pair would be so much fun to dress up as. I bags being Ursula.

16. Maleficent and Sleeping Beauty. Another Disney villain and Heroine although I think we saw a redeemable Maleficient in the live-action movies? Wouldn’t you agree?

17. Kim & Shego from Kim Possible. I am really showing my age here but what baby lesbian doesn’t recall watching this TV show as a kid and being glued to the fight scenes between Kim and Shego.

18. Men in Black. My dream in life is to get away with wearing a full-blown black suit without drawing attention and I feel this is the best way to do it.

19. Greta & Carson from the new ‘A league of their own’ Tv Series. This is definitely our new favorite lesbian couple of 2022. Who wouldn’t want to dress up in these 1940’s dresses and go to the Halloween party as a couple of baseball dykes.

20. Juliette and Calliope from the much loved but short-lived season of First Kill. A twist on the classic vampire vs monster hunter with a major lesbian plot line.

21. Anne Lister and Anne Walker – Gentleman Jack. If you are partial to dressing up as historical lesbian figures then this could be a great option.

22. Pennywise and George. Is there anything we love more than having a costume that is equally sexy and scary? Probably not…

23. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. This is for every lesbian who entered the world of Harry/Malfoy fanfiction. Most likely on Archive of Our Own if you are old enough to remember. We love this as a costume idea for any blonde/brunette lesbian couple.

24. Skeleton wives. Although this will take about 5 hours of make up time, the results will be 100% worth it.

25. Clarke and Lexa. Isn’t it everyone’s dream to dress up as one of the most beloved lesbian couples of the 2010’s. You don’t even need that much to make this costume happen. Just some black clothes, fake weapons and steamy eye makeup and you are all set.

26. Black Mirro, ‘San Junipero’ couple, Kellie and Yorkie. This one is cute and easy just how we like it.

27. Morticia and Gomez from the Addams family. Any excuse to get your girlfriends into a striped suit right?

28. Daria and Jane. Another cartoon couple that was angsty and totally queer coded and instantly recognizable.

29. Sandy and Danny but the hot butch/femme version of course.

30. Snow White and the Evil Queen. What is it with lesbians and evil female disney villians? We just love them a little too much.

31. Devil and Angel. Forget being asked “Who is the man?” Why don’t we get asked “who is the angel and who is the devil?”

There you have it, some ideas for this year’s Halloween. What have I missed? Who will you and your girlfriend be going as this year?