Best lesbian TV shows you haven’t seen yet


As queer girls, we do tend to consume most media content that involves a WLW (women loving women storyline) Or maybe that is just me? I will watch a whole series even if the lesbian relationship is like a C-level subplot. The point is if you are a committed lesbian media viewer it is probably rare to find a tv show that you have not seen. Here are some that you could have overlooked on your mission to find good-quality lesbian content.

1. Wentworth. Now if you enjoyed Orange Is the New Black and you have not heard of Wentworth then your mind is about to be blown. Wentworth is like the random Aussie second cousin of OITNB. It never got the same fame or international accolades despite coming out earlier but I can tell you it is just as good and features just as much quality lesbian content. It is a Prison drama and it goes for 8 seasons. Whilst it does jump the shark a little bit at the end of season 7 and throughout season 8 it remained a solid quality show to binge. If you are one of my American readers you may have to give it a few episodes before you adjust to the strong accents but trust me stick with it and you will not be sorry.

2. Faking it. This was a short-lived series that I loved. If you are a lesbian who has ever been in love with her straight best friend then I can guarantee you will love this show. Granted it does have some choices in the plot that will make you go “this was clearly a man’s idea” but apart from that, it is a great piece of lesbian fluff to watch especially if you are pining over your straight bestie.

3. South of Nowhere- This is an oldie but a goodie as they say. If you enjoy the throwback tv of the early 2000s then you will enjoy this show. If you are a little baby dyke born past the year 2002 then you might find this a bit old for your tastes, considering they are still using flip phones. Ashley and Spencer are the quintessential femme lesbian/bisexual couple and this show does a great albeit PG job of showcasing their trials and tribulations over the course of three seasons.

4. Killing Eve. My god if you have not watched Killing Eve yet are you even a lesbian? This BBC drama about a hot sapphic assassin getting hunted down by a MI-6 agent who gets obsessed with said assassin is right up our lesbian alley. The cat and mouse game throw in some fighting, stabbing, kissing, and great monologues and you have the exact type of drama we have been looking for. Us lesbians always tend to chase the bad girls and Villanelle in Killing Eve could hold a knife to my throat any day.

5. Feel Good- This has two seasons on Netflix and despite its R rating it really is not that scary. Not sure how it managed to get an R rating but maybe that’s because the straight world is scared of lesbian sex? Anyway, this show is cute and funny and has Lisa Kudrow in it so need I say more?

6. Gentleman Jack- Another BBC drama for the win. Gentleman Jack is based on the diaries of real-life lesbian Anne Lister. She was from the 1800s or something and she was a huge player back in the day. The show is a great historical drama and it is groundbreaking to think that this woman was so bold even back in a time that was so anti-homosexuality. It is a great watch and only about 6 episodes so go check it out.

7. First Kill on Netflix. First Kill is a cute albeit low-budget gem of 2022. A modern twist on the vampire and monster hunter storyline with a forbidden lesbian romance at the core of the show. It is very watchable and it was not renewed for season 2, to the dismay of many baby dykes everywhere.

8. A League of Their Own on Amazon. This show is every sporty gal’s dream. To join an elite women’s baseball team that is full of queer women. The best part of this show is that it actually steeped in historical truth of the women who played in the All-American Girls Baseball League in the 1940’s. It is an amazing series, where queer women and their stories are at the front and centre of the show instead of off to the side as we normally are.

Hightown on Stan. Hightown follows Jackie QuiƱones who is a self-proclaimed ‘Fish Cop’ aka a National Marine Fisheries agent in Cape Cod. She is also a massive dyke who lives life on the edge. The show follows her journey to sobriety and her involvement in a murder investigation. She also hooks up with a lot of women along the way….which we are always here for.

I really wish the tv executives would realize that if you produce shows that depict quality lesbian representation, the fans will come. Lesbians are amongst the most loyal dedicated and crazy fans on the planet. We will support and we will watch anything for some good WLW content. So if you have not watched all these shows yet, then what are you waiting for! It will give you hours of lesbian entertainment (not just C level sub plot) and we actually might start getting some more made.