Lesbian Movies on Netflix


Lesbians are always looking for good representation of our relationships on the big screen. Let’s face it lesbian movies can be hit and miss and when they miss, it is usually by a mile. This list is a compilation of all the lesbian/wlw movies that are currently streaming on Netflix. Some of these films are inspirational, life-altering pieces of art that you will lodge in your psyche for the rest of your life and others are well…pretty shit. However, as we know we can not find our queen if we don’t kiss a few toads along the way.

  1. Carol
    If you have not yet seen this iconic lesbian movie then I suggest you sit now and watch it. There is a reason this movie has stayed on Netflix for years. If it was to be removed the lesbians would revolt against Netflix in protest. This movie is the film adaptation of the novel “The Price of Salt” by Patricia Highsmith. This film also has Sarah Paulson as a former flame/still current BFF to Cate Blanchett’s character, which is enough reason in itself to watch.

2. A Secret Love

If you loved the new ‘A League of Their Own’ series on Amazon then you need to watch this documentary. It tells the true story of two women Terry and Pat who both played in the All-American Girls Baseball League and fell in love. They kept their relationship a secret for over 60 years even from their family. It is such a beautiful story of their love but also a stark reminder of how far society has really come with the acceptance of gay and lesbian relationships. Make sure you have the tissues close by for this one.

3. The Half of It

A shy girl named Ellie is enlisted by Paul the school ‘Jock’ to help him win over the most popular girl in school. However, things get a little complicated when Ellie realizes that she also has feelings for this girl. This movie is very sweet and you will probably see some of yourself in Ellie if you were an awkward little baby dyke crushing on the cool girls in highschool.

4. Duck Butter

Definitely don’t watch this movie with anyone other than your girlfriend or the girl you are wanting to Netflix and Chill with. It is a pretty steamy lesbian movie about two women who make a pack to spend 24 hours together. I wonder what will happen when two lesbians spend 24 hours together? I think you know. This movie is not that great but it is still worth watching.

5. Anne +

This is a movie that is actually a follow-up to an existing series. The movie explores sexuality and poly relationships which is not something we get to see very often onscreen. It also highlights some of the challenges that come with these things. The movie is Dutch so you will need to watch the English Dubbed version or use subtitles…unless of course you speak Dutch.

6. Concussion

After suffering from a mild concussion Abby hooks up with a lesbian sex worker. Her marriage has become passionless and she is suffering from Lesbian Bed Death. (They don’t actually say that in the film but that was my takeaway from it.) After this experience, Abby decides to become a lesbian sex worker herself and under the pseudonym Eleanor she starts servicing a range of clients. She learns things about herself and it is a pretty steamy movie. It is certainly no ‘Carol’ but I didn’t hate it.

7. Deadly Illusions

This movie is bad. Straight-up facts. I only watched it because of Kristen Davis and the promise of lesbianism but even that couldn’t save it. However it still counts as a lesbian movie on Netflix which is why I had to include it on this list.

8. The Prom

This movie does have some pretty big names including Meryl Streep & Nicole Kidman so you would expect it to be probably better than it is. It is about a group of self-centred Broadway thespians who in an attempt to gain good publicity help Emma with her goal of being allowed to take her girlfriend to her Prom. By the way, this movie is a musical.

9. Do Revenge

Do Revenge is a modern teen movie that pays homage to all the teen movies of yesteryear. You can see all the nods this movie does to cult classic films like Clueless and 10 Things I Hate About You here. However, in this modern twist one of the main characters, Eleanor played by Maya Hawke is openly gay. Whilst her sexuality is not a major plot point in the show (kind of), we do get to see some lesbian flirtation and a kiss at the end. Not to mention the major lesbian subtext between the Eleanor and her straight best friend/nemesis/best friend again Drea played by Camilla Mendes.

10. A New York Christmas Wedding

This movie is kind of like an amateur hour ‘Imagine Me and You.’ but it is cute. It is emotional and beautifully crafted film even for the low-budget Netflix vibes that it gives off. We don’t often get lesbian Christmas movies so we need to cherish what we do have.

11. Margarita with a Straw

This movie follows an Indian teenager with cerebral palsy who relocates to America for university and meets a Blind girl who she develops a relationship with. It is rare that we get to see disability representation on screen in any capacity, let alone lesbian disability representation. This movie is also an extreme tearjerker but it is so beautiful. Absolutely need to watch, you will probably cry even just watching the trailer.

12. Dating Amber

Dating Amber follows two teens who decide to fake being in a straight relationship in order to hide their sexuality and fit in at school. This movie is a fantastic coming-of-age movie, it is funny and beautifully shot in Ireland. As a former closeted gay girl from a small town (not in Ireland though), I can certainly identify with this film and the thought process of finding a boyfriend to cover-up for my own flaming gayness.

13. The Coming Back Out Ball Movie

This movie/documentary is very Aussie. It is about an event that was hosted in Melbourne during the infamous marriage equality plebiscite to celebrate LGBTQIA+ elders. It reminds us all how difficult it has been in very recent history to be queer and how the elders of the community really did pave the way for a lot of the societal acceptance we have now.

14. Elisa & Marcella

We all love our historical lesbian movies and it is even better when it is based on a true story. In 1901, Elisa Sanchez Loriga took on the identity of Mario Sánchez to marry her lover of fifteen years, Marcela Gracia Ibeas. The movie is shot in black and white plus some steamy lesbian sex, so in my view it is worth watching.

What we can learn from this list is that Netflix probably needs to up its game in terms of quality lesbian content. However, we are certainly getting a lot more than what we have had in the past so I can not really complain too much. What movies have I missed from this list?