Lesbian TV shows on Netflix


I am old enough to remember a time before Netflix when a young baby dyke would have to secretly watch the L-word on DVD using a portable DVD player or laptop. Not to mention the hoops you had to go through in order to source a copy of the MA15+ rated DVD series, it was certainly no easy feat. Ahh those were certainly the good old days…NOT. Fast forward to 2022 we have so much more content and queer representation at the click of our fingers. Here are some of the wlw/lesbian tv shows currently streaming on Netflix.

  1. Orange is the New Black
    Let’s face it, this show put Netflix on the map…at least it did with the lesbians. If you have not yet watched this prison drama focusing on the tumultuous relationship between Piper Chapman and Alex Vause then baby it’s time. You have seven seasons to sit back and enjoy and although the earlier seasons are the best (IMO) it is a great show right through until the end. Not to mention the fact that there are multiple lesbian story lines and the majority of the main cast are women.

2. The Haunting of Bly Manor
The haunting of Bly Manor is a ‘horror’ mini-series that follows a young American Nanny named Jamie who is hired to take care of some rich guy’s orphaned niece and nephew. I use the term ‘horror’ pretty loosely as this series is really not that scary. Jamie then meets the gardener Dani who also works at Bly Manor doing the grounds maintenance. They unexpectedly fall in love and honestly, their relationship is the main reason I watched the show. We don’t get our happy ending but haven’t we gotten used to that by now?

3. Black Lightening

It is not often we get to watch an African American lesbian superhero and this series gives us that plus a whole lot more. Anissa Pierce played by Nafessa Williams, aka Thunder, is a medical student and high school teacher who is also a superhero.

4. Ratched

I will watch anything that Sarah Paulson is involved with, this series included. Ratched is a retelling of the story of the origins of Nurse Ratched from ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.’ Sarah Paulson is amazing in this series and I never imagined that I would be shipping Cynthia Nixon with anyone, but in fact, I did. Sarah Paulson and Cynthia Nixon are the main love interest of the series and whilst it seems an unusual pairing it is nice to have a queer relationship portrayed by actual queer women. Although the show itself can sometimes be a little boring, it is still worth watching.

5. Sense8

Sense 8 is a science fiction drama created by the Wachowski Sisters eight strangers who become emotionally linked all across the world. They are ‘sensates’ who can communicate, sense, and use each other’s knowledge, language, and skills. Nomi (Jamie Clayton) and Amanita (Freema Agyeman) are girlfriends and are some of the main characters throughout the series.

6. One Day at a Time

One day at a time is a comedy series that follows three generations of the same Cuban-American family living in the same house: a newly divorced former military mother, her teenage daughter, tween son, and her old-school mother. The daughter Elena comes out as a lesbian in season one and we actually get to see a great portrayal of navigating coming out to family members… and their responses. I really liked this part of the show and how they showcased the family members’ reactions and emotions in an accurate way that wasn’t always the most accepting…a reality for many queer people.

7. First Kill

Unfortunately, we will not be getting a second season of First Kill much to the dismay of the fans, so you will only be able to enjoy 8 episodes. This series is a Romeo and Juliet-inspired story with quite a different twist. Caliope is a monster hunter and Juliet is a vampire, and you guessed it they fall in love.

8. Feel Good

Sexually fluid comedian Mae Martin plays herself in a semi-autobiographical but fictionalized comedy series. Charlotte Ritchie plays her onscreen girlfriend and the series is funny but also deals with some dark issues around trauma, drug addiction, and sobriety. There are currently two seasons available on Netflix and it is not getting renewed for any more episodes.

9. Everything Sucks

A nostalgia fest for people who were teens in the 90’s, this series is a high school drama/comedy. We get a budding lesbian sexuality storyline as we follow Kate Messner (Peyton Kennedy) and drama club queen Emaline (Sydney Sweeney). If you ever struggled with your sexuality in high school this show will be worth a watch.

10. Trinkets

Shoplifting and lesbianism what is not to love? Seriously though this series follows three girls who become friends after they meet in a shoplifting anonymous group. Elodie played by Brianna Hildebran (queer in real life btw) is our gay girl but the story is not a coming-out realization, she is already a fully-fledged woman who loves women. We get to follow her relationship journey with a singer named Sabine…who may or may not be a little bit toxic.

Have I missed any shows from this list? Let me know in the comments. Let’s hope Netflix keeps listening to lesbians and providing us with some quality queer representation.