Lesbian Youtubers That We Love


In my early days of figuring out my sexuality, I was a fiend for lesbian youtubers. Once I discovered them I could not stop. It was different to a lesbian tv show. It was a real person talking about their coming out story, their relationships and their life. I connected with it on a deep level and I loved it. The truth is as I got older and busier in life I stopped following my favourite lesbian YouTubers. They had served their purpose in my life and I was ready to move on. They had helped me see that it was possible to be a lesbian and live a normal happy life with a normal happy relationship. For that, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for them. Here are my favourite lesbian YouTubers of all time.

1. Shannon Beveridge and Cammie Scott (RIP) Now as some of you will know Shannon Beveridge & Cammie Scott were a couple for quite a few years and had a large youtube following. They chronicled their relationship online and had some hilarious videos. They were both gorgeous femme lesbians and they seemed like the perfect couple. They ended up breaking up a few years back and went their own way with their own individual channels. They are still quite successful YouTubers but nothing will ever be as good as when they did it together.

2. Stevie Boebi. Stevie is our resident lesbian sex guru. She is like the lesbian big sister you never had. She is beautiful without trying and she is not scared to talk about topics that maybe previously had been a bit taboo. She is definitely one who has stayed consistent over the years and she is worth checking out.

3. Rose and Rosie. The best lesbian British youtube couple of all time in my opinion. I actually saw these girls on tour when I was in London. I was really drunk though so I don’t remember much of the show which I am disappointed about but ahh well it is what it is. They have even had a baby this year and have been together for quite a long time. Their youtube channels have an extreme amount of content and it is a great deep dive into so many lesbian/bisexual issues you will lose hours on there. They have over a million subscribers which is insane! That would have to make them one of the most followed lesbian youtube channels of all time.

4. The gay women channel (unsolicited project)– Sarah and Adrianna are probably my favourite lesbian channel of all time. Their weekly pillow talk videos about lesbian issues are hilarious and how they are still coming up with topics to talk about after four years just blows my mind. They also have a feature film that was on netflix up until recently called almost adults and if you have not seen it you need to watch. I absolutely loved it. The mini youtube series they have on their channel called straight girls anonymous also was a personal favourite of mine. It is hilarious and you will definitely be able to relate if you have ever crushed on a straight girl.

5. Arielle Scarcella– Not untouched by controversy Arielle is the more r rated YouTuber of the bunch. She does not shy away from discussing a host of queer and lesbian issues. She also delves pretty deep into topics around lesbian sexuality in a way that most other content creators do not. It takes a lot of bravery to be so open about your sex life on the internet so for that she will always be in the top bracket of lesbian YouTubers.

Special Mention: Steph &  Kristen: These ladies are extremely wholesome viewing. Canadian femme lesbians who won the amazing race Canada at some stage. Their content is pretty PG which is nice if you are young little baby dyke just dipping your toe into the lesbian world. They show you what a normal lesbian life can look like and they travel the world whilst doing it. They are a gorgeous pair.

I am sure there are many many more out there who have large cult following but these were my personal favourites. I watched their coming out story videos from my childhood bedroom and I finally saw my experiences reflected in what these other women were saying. It was very conforting at what is a difficult stage of life for a young baby dyke.