The L Word Generation Q Trailer has finally dropped


The trailer for the L word generation q has finally dropped and we are trying to make some predictions of what we can expect from season 3 coming out in November 2022. Here is the trailer if you have not watched it yet.

The trailer hints at some serious Tibette drama following on from last season’s cliffhanger ending where Tina asks Bette if she still loves her? Honestly part of me is dying for a Tibette get-back-together season and the other part of me thinks Tina is going to be way better staying with Carrie. Bette has kind of turned into more of a bitch than she was in the early days, in my opinion. She is starting to even be borderline unlikeable.

poor Carrie

The trailer is very fast-paced and squishes a lot of scenes into its short 1 min 48-second length. We get to see Shane have a drink thrown on her in true Shane fashion. Makes me wonder what antics Shane will be getting up to this season…maybe back to her old womanizing tricks?

In the trailer, we get a tidbit clip of Gigi suggesting to Dani that they should move in together. Classic lesbian u-hauling representation right there. This couple is arguably the best couple in the series so let’s hope they don’t fuck them up like they have most of the other relationships in this series and the original L word.

Gigi + Dani = HOT

Maribel tells Mika that she wants to have a baby and I am very excited to see the show explore this storyline.

There is a bit of kissing between Shane and Tess as well as a comical kiss between Shane and Alice as a result of being high. This show is actually a comedy as well as a queer drama and we should all appreciate how funny this actually is. Shane and Alice is one pairing in both the original L word and current series that I could never see happening. Let’s face it, we had a lot of friendship incest across both series but this is one pairing that seemed to be a no-go.

Finley still seems like she is a hot mess and it will be interesting to see where her relationship with Sophie goes this season. For some reason, I just couldn’t get into shipping them in season 2 but maybe that will change this time around. I hope that they start to delve into Finley’s character a bit more this season and her storyline starts to revolve around something other than consistently being a hot mess.

Little Angie is growing up referencing that “this could be her ho phase”. I think Angie as a character has had some of the best storylines and character development so it will be interesting where her story goes this season as she is on the cusp of adulthood. I also understand the reason why Angie dates women on this show, however, I would love to see her have a boyfriend this season and focus on how Bette and Tina deal with this. I think this would be such an interesting dynamic for lesbian parents to navigate their daughter being in a straight relationship. I can imagine Bette making a few shotgun references and being pretty hard to win over.

The new season of the L word Generation Q will start streaming on 18th November 2022 and we can’t wait. We were lucky when we got the original L word for 6 six seasons 15 years ago so the fact that we now have a quality sequel heading into its third season is a huge milestone for television that focuses on queer stories.