The Best lesbian TV shows to watch


We are living in the golden age of lesbians on the small screen. Don’t get me wrong, we still have a long way to go but the past five years have seen a vast increase in lesbian & bisexual representation on television. Here are some of the more recent lesbian tv shows (in no particular order) as well as some of the OG’s who paved the way.

  1. Pretty little Liars
    Let’s face it, this show was a wild and crazy ride. With twists so crazy that it really made you say “Yep that would never happen” But we all still loved it. Did we ever envision that Emison was end game….probably not, but you have to give the lesbians what they want right?
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2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This show will forever be an OG of lesbians on television. Of course, any Buffy fan knows that the bonafide lesbian couple of the show was Tara and Willow. However, they were never the true sapphic couple of my heart. It was the bold lesbian subtext between Buffy and Faith that really sparked my love of this show. (Mostly just for Eliza Dushku)

3. The 100
The 100 has inspired many lesbian couple Halloween costume ideas. Especially if one is a Blonde and one is a Brunette as so often is the case with lesbians. (Or at least that is what the TV shows would have us believe?) Clexa is a slow burn and (spoiler alert) does not circumvent the lesbian death trope however it is totally worth the wait to see this relationship blossom.

4. South of Nowhere
South of Nowhere was an obscure TV show from the early 2000s. Another OG when it came to onscreen teenage lesbian romance. It was pretty rare in 2004 to have your two main lead characters involved in a lesbian teenage romance. This show was great…well as great as an early 2000’s teenage drama can be but South of Nowhere walked so many of the more recent lesbian TV shows could run.

5. Sugar Rush
Sugar rush was a British Comedy series based around a young lesbian who moves from London to Brighton and develops an obsession with her heterosexual best friend Sugar. If you like bad girls, especially bad straight girls (what lesbian doesn’t?) then you need to check this little gem out. It will take you right back to your high school days of smoking ciggies at the park and trying to figure out just why you’re so jealous of your best friend’s lame boyfriend.

6. Wentworth
We lesbians sure do love our prison dramas, there are multiple on this list alone. But Wentworth comes in as number one (sorry OITNB) A hit Australian TV show that ran for 8 seasons and had loads of different lesbian couples and storylines. Though of course, the OTP of the show was Frankie and Bridget. Who doesn’t love an illegal & professionally corrupt relationship between a prison Psychiatrist and an inmate? I mean it’s not really corrupt when it’s two hot lesbians right?

7. Orange Is the New Black
The second prison drama on the list is of course Orange Is the New Black. As annoying as Piper was for most of the series, I still shipped her with Alex hard. There is a reason this series won numerous awards and was Netflix’s main attraction in the early years. If are a lesbian who has not watched this, I’m sorry but there is no excuse. Snuggle up in bed with your Netflix and girlfriend and start binging.

8. Greys Anatomy
This TV show has been running for approximately 45 seasons so it is bound to have had some lesbian representatives in that time frame. (obviously, I am joking, it has not been that long but you get the gist) The most known and most well-loved queer couple of the show is of course Callie and Arizona. Although ultimately they do get divorced, they were a great relationship to watch develop.

9. The L word
This show is one of the very few that the whole premise of the show was based on lesbians and lesbian culture. A True OG of creating a true icon of lesbian television. The Original L Word is still something that is watched, revered, and referenced often in lesbian circles….and on lesbian dating apps. There were too many great lesbian couples in this show so I’ll just leave you with a photo of my favorite…Sharmen forever.

10. The L Word Generation Q
Just as the original was the revival is also fantastic. Some lessons have been learned in the past 10 years and the reboot has come a long way in its portrayal of certain things that maybe weren’t so great in the OG version. We are extremely happy that Generation Q has been renewed for season 3 and will definitely be watching.

11. The Fosters
Who doesn’t love a story about a lesbian couple and their foster kids. Stef and Lena are a wholesome couple who deal with the trials and tribulations that come in a family drama context when you have a bunch of kids. I don’t understand how homophobia exists in the world when lesbians are such caring people…sigh*.

12. Ratched
Honestly, I never thought I would find myself shipping Sarah Paulson and Cynthia Nixon and yet here we are. Ratched, whilst not the most amazing tv show (in my opinion) is purely worth watching for the lesbian content from the two leading ladies…who are both queer in real life by the way. To be honest Sarah Paulson could be in a TV show about watching paint dry and I would still tune in.

13. High Town
Hightown is a gritty crime drama, where the main character Jackie QuiƱones plays a hot self-destructive lesbian. Do I need to say more? Despite not being a real cop she gets involved in trying to solve a murder and hijinks ensue.

14. Feel Good
Feel good is a semi-autobiographical comedy drama starring Mae Martin as herself. It follows the ups and downs of Georgia and Mae’s romance and makes for pretty easy viewing.

15. Gentleman Jack
The truth is sometimes crazier than fiction and this show is loosely based on the diaries of a real-life lothario lesbian named Anne Lister from back in 1800s Yorkshire. Her diaries were written mostly in code and detailed about her lesbian rendezvous back in the day when you probably would have had your head chopped off for such sin. We are waiting for Season 2 to be released sometime in 2022.

16. Dickinson
This show as the name so aptly suggests is about the life of the American Poet Emily Dickinson. Some people think that the real Emily Dickinson was a lesbian because of the letters she wrote to her sister-in-law Susan Gilbert. The TV show explores this and really is a coming-of-age story.

17. Lip Service
Lip Service is basically the Scottish version of the L word. Although only short-lived with two seasons before it was canceled, if you liked the L-word (and let’s face it who doesn’t?) then you should give this show a chance.

18. Batwoman
Any tv show that Ruby Rose stars as the main character is probably going to be lesbian. Despite leaving the series for various reasons and being replaced by bisexual actress Javicia Leslie we still love that the main character of batwoman is still an out lesbian.

19. The Bold Type
The series follows three millennial women, who are all employed at a fictional global publication called Scarlet in New York. Kat Edison is the lesbian of the trio and we are here for all her storylines.

20. Younger
Who doesn’t need an OWL in their life? Anyone who has seen this show knows that OWL stands for Older Wiser Lesbian. Younger follows a 40-year-old woman who pretends to be 26 in order to get a job after being out of the workforce to raise her daughter. Her Best friend is a lesbian and whilst the crux of the show is the hetero relationships of the main characters we do get to see some lesbian action from time to time.

21. The Fall
The Fall is a crime drama starring lesbian icon Gillian Anderson as Detective Super Intendent Stella Gibson. Gillian Anderson has been a lesbian icon ever since the x Files. Whilst she might not be an out and proud lesbian in this show, the implication is certainly that her sexuality is fluid.


22. Tales of the City
Tales of the city is a very queer show. The story follows a woman from Ohio, who whilst visiting San Francisco on a holiday and decides to stay. The series also boasts that all their writers are queer, so do I need to say more?

23. Killing Eve
This TV show is incredible and season 4 is out now. Villanelle is a queer assassin who goes all over Europe murdering people. She is being hunted by MI5 agent Eve Polastri and the two develop an obsession with each other. It is very lesbian, although they are not together they do kiss in season 3 and try to kill each other a few times as well. Is there anything more we can ask from a lesbian tv show?

24. Euphoria
Euphoria is a gritty teen drama that follows a group of high school students through their experiences with a range of teen issues. The main character Rue Bennett played by Zendaya struggles with addiction issues and has a turbulent relationship with the character Jules.

25. Wynonna Earp
Wynonna Earp is kind of like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural had a love child. It follows Wynonna Earp as she fights supernatural beings in and around her hometown of purgatory. She is backed up by her sister Waverley who is the best part of the show. Waverley has a lesbian romance with the local police office Nicole Haught AKA Wayhaught. If you like shows where tough hot women fight demons with a bit of lesbianism on the side…then this is a definite watch.

26. Black Mirror (certain episodes)
Black Mirror is an anthology series, so whilst not every episode has lesbian action, there are certainly a few that are queer.

Orphan Black
Another beloved science fiction show with a truly beautiful lesbian love story. Cosima (the hottest clone in my opinion) and Delphine have a pretty tumultuous love story over the course of the series. (Usually not through any fault of their own) This show received critical acclaim and is worth watching for Tatiana Maslany’s amazing acting skills alone.

28. Gypsy
Who doesn’t want to see Naomi Watts play an ‘unorthodox’ psychiatrist who develops a fascination with one of her patients, Sidney. Lesbian activity ensues and whilst this show got widely panned by critics, it is still worth a watch.

29. Xena the Warrior Princess
Xena is one of those shows that was obviously gay….to the lesbians. To the straight people they were just really great friends…as close as sisters. But to the WLW community, we all knew the truth. That is why Xena gets a place on this list, they were from a time when lesbian heroes on tv were not mainstream but they still helped paved the way.

30. The Haunting of Bly Manor
Don’t despair if you get too scared to watch horror shows, this really is not that scary. If you are watching it for the fear factor then you will be sorely disappointed. On the other hand, if you are watching it for the gorgeous lesbian pairing of Dani & Jamie, then you will be very happy. Happy that is, until the final episode…but no spoilers.

31. The Haunting of Hill House
This show is the predecessor to the Haunting of Bly Manor and it is just as good. It is lighter on the lesbian action but it is 100% still worth watching. Especially for gay Kate Seigal…if only she was a lesbian in real life.

32. Glee
Glee was the poster child for inclusiveness on tv before it was cool. Who could forget the lesbian romance between Santana & Brittany? Yes…it takes a couple of seasons of suffering through the musical numbers to get there….but you will get to it eventually.

33. The Real L Word
If you think reality tv that follows straight women is worth watching, then this will blow your mind. This show (not unlike the other L know the “fictional one”) is pretty wild. Definitely don’t put this on when grandma is visiting. But lesbian reality TV is few and far between and this is the OG.

35. YellowJackets
As a teenager, it was my ultimate fantasy to be stranded in the wilderness with a bunch of other girls. (How did I not realize I was gay?) This show follows a high school soccer team who are trying to survive in the wilderness and also flashes forward to what is happening in their modern-day lives. No couple in the show is shipped more than young Taissa and young Vanessa (Van) both played by actors who are queer in real life.

36. Super Girl
Hmm super girl is either very queer or very queer baiting. Either way I am here for it.

37. Jessica Jones
Who doesn’t love a lesbian villian? I certainly do. (The hot brunette pictured below is not the lesbian in the show just FYI) It also has David Tennant as an evil villian and I might be gay but I still love David Tennant.

38. Everything Sucks
This is a throwback to being a teenager in the 90’s. I was not a teenager in the 90’s but I still enjoyed this show. If you want to see a show about baby dykes discovering their sexuality then this one is for you.

39. Sense8

There’s a lot of queerness going on in this show.

40. Dead to Me
At first, we were in this show purely for the lesbian subtext crafted by out comedian and producer Liz Feldman. However, in later seasons we get an unexpected queer twist that epitomizes casual queerness.

41. Tipping the Velvet
A three-part BBC show based on the famous book by Sarah Waters. You know this show is gay because there may or may not be a scene involving a vintage wooden dildo… I will say no more.

42. Fingersmith
Fingersmith also sits under the same banner as Tipping the Velvet….vintage lesbian set in cold dreary England. (There is also a Korean remake called the Handmaiden which was quite popular as well)

43. The night watch
Technically this is a TV movie but it is also based on another Sarah Waters novel and it is also set in 1940’s dreary London with lesbians. (So it’s going on my list)

44. Bomb Girls
We love Betty from Bomb Girls. A lesbian woman in the 1940’s who dreams of owning her own house and who struggles against the patriarchy.

45. When we Rise
This show is such a great mini series that follows various stories of Gay men and women during the HIV epidemic. It is definitely worth watching.

46. Carmilla
What is it about lesbians and vampires? There is a definite theme here. Whilst Carmilla is not technically a tv show, it certainly deserves a place on this list as worthy lesbian content.

47. Handmaids Tale
A dystopian world where society subjects fertile women to childbearing slavery. This show is dark, especially considering it’s based on all the oppressive practices women have been subjected to in the last 1000 years of history. However, in this patriarchal world, there is still no shortage of lesbians (Woohoo)

48. Skins
The British version, not the horrible American remake, was one of the OG gritty teen dramas of the 2000’s. Emily and Naomi were one of our original lesbian ships.

49. Doctor Who
Obviously the recent series with Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor. I won’t give away any spoilers but let’s just say we are totally here for a romance between Yaz and the Doctor…even if the show doesn’t ever get the chance to explore it.

50. True Blood
This show is not all about Sookie/Eric/Bill. Don’t forget about Tara! The hot lesbian/bisexual best friend. (Sorry can’t remember what she identifies as) but all I know is that this show is top-notch.

51. Roseanne
This show really is a throwback airing in the late 80s and 90s but it will always have a place in my heart. Whilst none of the main characters are queer, it never shied away from telling a few lesbian storylines in a time when it was rarely mentioned in mainstream television.

52. And Just Like That
The much-anticipated reboot of Sex and the City. Whilst the beloved original was very much a straight girl show (still loved it) the reboot is very queer. Miranda gets divorced to explore her sexuality, charlottes daughter comes out as nonbinary, and whilst it may not be the most exciting watch of your life…no one can deny that it has some solid queer representation.

53. Lost Girl
Lost girl is a Canadian
series that follows bisexual succubus Bo as she learns how to control her abilities and help people. This show is no buffy but it is certainly queer.

54. Tampa Baes
The only other lesbian reality tv show to make this list. The show follows a group of lesbian friends living it up in Florida. Sign me up, please.

55. Faking It
For any lesbian that has been in love with her best friend, especially if it was back in high school, this is one to watch. This show follows Karma and Amy, best friends who attend a very progressive school in Texas. The girls pretend to be lesbians in order to become popular at school but Amy slowly realizes that she is not really pretending. Some questionable storylines happen in this show (especially in season 3) but overall this is a must-watch, especially considering we have all been in love with our straight best friend at one point.

56. A League of Their Own

A league of Their Own is taking the lesbian world by storm in 2022. Unlike most of the shows featured on this list where the lesbian characters or storyline is a second-tier arc, in ALOTO majority of the characters are queer. This show is a queer reimagining of the 1992 film of the same name which conveniently omitted all the lesbian stories that we know really existed in the All-American Girls Baseball League of the 1940’s.